Thursday, April 14, 2011

Profil Teacher English

Name  : Gris Septian

Address  : Sukabumi

Place and date of birth  : Sukabumi, 19 September 1990


1997 – 2003  : SDN 1 Taman Jaya

2003 – 2006  : SMPN 1 Ciemas

2006 – 2009  : SMAN 1 Ciracap

2009 – 2013  : STKIP Panca Sakti

If there are no class schedules he teaches private, counts of learning and debriefing later if he had received a bachelor's degree and become teachers. The reason he took this department english language because very important in the current era of globalization and English language is also the key for get info and as a universal communication tool, but many of the constraints faced by learners as learning English is an interest among learners who are still less , This could be due to not finding a nice impression so saturated and bored. Therefore, English education program not only provides debriefing to teach English but also learn how to convey the material in different ways and fun so that they can build a motivation to learn English with feeling comfortable and stay focused on the overriding goal of give education.